The Sierra Mariola was declared a Natural Park on January 8th 2002. With an extension of over 16,000 hectares it stretches out across the counties of the Albaida Valley, the Alcoià and the Comptat, including within its boundaries the towns of Agres, Alcoi, Alfafara, Banyeres de Mariola, Bocairent, Cocentaina and Muro. Noteworthy for the proliferation of its founts, springs and fountains, numerous farmsteads, and an extensive network of paths and trails that give testimony to the intensive use of its natural resources by settlers throughout history: ice workers, shepherds, lumberjacks, etc.
One of the area’s most important hallmarks is its ice caves, built between the 16th and 20th centuries in order to store ice. Other architechtonic elements such as farmsteads, castles and chapels can also be found.
Its vegetal landscape, with more than 1,400 cataloged plants, is undoubtedly a magnificent exponent of biodiversity of species with aromatic and medicinal properties: sage, chamomile, thyme, rabet de gat, St. John’s wort, rock tea… Many of these plants are They are used in the preparation of drinks, as a culinary condiment, as a remedy for countless conditions, in the production of perfumes… Most of the mountain range is covered with pine trees and scrubland with heather, gorse, cistus, holm oaks, yews… .
The fauna is made up of amphibians, reptiles, birds (finch, partridge, chamariz, diurnal birds of prey such as the golden eagle, the peregrine falcon, the goshawk… and nocturnal birds, such as the eagle owl, the owl, the tawny owl…) and mammals (boar, rabbit, wild cat, marten, weasel, genet, badger, fox…).
We must also mention two elements of great relevance, such as the Vinalopó River, which rises inside and the Montcabrer peak, which is the highest peak in the park at 1,390 m.
Two other important aspects to the sierra also need to be mentioned and they are the Vinalopó river, which has its source in the sierra, and the summit of the Montcabrer, which is the highest point in the park at 1,390 m.
See routes